Conference: VOYNICH 100
A Hundred Years from the Re-discovery at Villa Mondragone

Friday, 11 May 2012
Villa Mondragone, Sala degli Svizzeri
08:30 - 18:00

Under the auspices of
Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Tor Vergata Prof. Rino Caputo, Presidente di Villa Mondragone Prof. Franco Giannini, Prof. Avv. Giorgio Lener.

Under the patronage of
The municipatily of Monte Porzio Catone

at the
Villa Mondragone home page

Home Programme Registration Attendants Hotels Maps, info


According to printed sources, the Voynich MS was discovered and purchased by Wilfrid M. Voynich in the Villa Mondragone, near Frascati, Italy, in 1912. To commemorate the 100th anniversary of this event, a celebration is organised in the same Villa on 11 May 2012. It will take place in the Sala degli Svizzeri, which can host up to 170 people. The event will include presentations, a lunch and coffee breaks, and the opportunity to meet and discuss with fellow Voynich researchers.


The address of the Villa is:
Villa Mondragone
Via Frascati 51, 00040
Monte Porzio Catone (RM)

Additional maps and local travel information is prodived at a separate page.


The main day of the event (Friday 11 May) is dedicated to a series of presentations detailing the current state of knowledge about the Voynich MS. Doors open for registration of guests at 08:30. The event finishes at 18:00. The detailed programme is available here.

On the following day (Saturday 12 May) the prestigious "Scuderie Aldobrandini" in Frascati have been made available for attendants to meet and discuss.
It is open from 10:00 to 13:00. The address is:
Scuderie Aldobrandini
Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, 6,
00044 Frascati


The presentations at the event will be in English. Part of the welcome will be in Italian, for which a summary translation in English will be provided as part of the programme hand-out.


Registration is still open, but please try to register by 9 May 2012.
Details of the simple registration procedure are provided on this page.
Attendance to the conference is free of charge.


Lunch is free of charge to our participants thanks to our local sponsors. It it organised around wine tasting event sponsored by the Consorzio Tutela Denominazione Frascati


There are many hotels in the area.
Special arrangements for attendants of the event have been made with some hotels of different price classes.
Hotel details are provided at this page.


The event is organised by:
Claudio Foti (overall organisation)
Michelle Smith (local organisation)
René Zandbergen (programme)

with the excellent support from Eremon Edizioni
and the kind support of the staff at the Villa Mondragone.


The Sala degli Svizzeri was kindly made available for the event by the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".

The Scuderie Aldobrandini was kindly made available for the event by the Mayor of Frascati.

We are grateful to the following sponsors. Please visit their web sites.

Additional information

Foti, Smith, Zandbergen, 2012
Contact: voynich100 @
Latest update: 13/10/2012