{$I=P $Q=O $P=F $L=A} # Last edited on 1998-10-28 04:53:51 by stolfi # # Identification: # # Title: ??? # Page: f89r2 = OF (Rene) = p182 (Stolfi) # Folio: f89 # Panels: f89r2, f89r3 # Bifolio: bO2 = f88+f89 # Quire: O (Rene) = XV (Beinecke) # # This page comprises the two outermost recto panels (f89r2 and # f89r3) of a six-panel fold-out. Panel f89r3 is half-width. The # paragraph lines span both panels, across the fold. # # Attributes: # # Language: A (Currier) # Hand: ? (Currier) # Subsets: P (Rene), pha (Stolfi) # Subject: pharmaceutical # Colors: ??? (Reeds) # # Description: # # This page contains 4 rows of plants (roughly next to the top edge, # 1/3 down, 2/3 down, and next to the bottom edge). # # The plant rows contain 4, 2, 6, and 4 plants, respectively. Plant # [1,4] has a long tapering root that runs down the right margin and # ends near the bottom right corner (which is torn off). Crammed # into the left margin, next to each row of plants, is a # "container"---an object resembling a decorated jar with pedestal. # # Each container and each plant (except plant [3,6]) has a "label" # written next to it (units "L1","L2", "L3", and "L4"). From the # position of the labels it seems pretty clear which label goes with # which figure. # # The plant rows are separated by three paragraphs with 2.8, 3.6, # and 6.0 lines (units "P1", "P2", and "P3"). The first three lines # of aragraph 3 are indented as if to leave space for a capital letter, # but that space is occupied by the root of plant [3,1] # # There is a faint vertical crease in the vellum, about 1cm to the # right of the fold that separates panels f89r2 and f89r3, and # extending across the whole height of the page. The third paragraph # (but not the other two) is crease, but runs over the fold as if it # was not there. The crease and the fold are more conspicuous on the # verso side (page f89v2). # # In the second line of paragraph 2 there seems to be a slit-like # defect in the vellum, flanked by two alternating rows of dots. # This defect is visible on the verso side too. # # Plant descriptions: # # ROW 1: # # [1,0] (Container) [To be written] # # [1,1] [To be written] # # [1,2] [To be written] # # [1,3] [To be written] # # [1,4] [To be written] # # ROW 2: # # [2,0] (Container) [To be written] # # [2,1] [To be written] # # [2,2] [To be written] # # ROW 3: # # [3,0] (Container) [To be written] # # [3,1] [To be written] # # [3,2] [To be written] # # [3,3] [To be written] # # [3,4] [To be written] # # [3,5] [To be written] # # [3,6] [To be written] # # # ROW 4: # # [4,0] (Container) [To be written] # # [4,1] [To be written] # # [4,2] [To be written] # # [4,3] [To be written] # # [4,4] [To be written] # # Comments: # # [long root and leaves of [1,4] may match solatrium's; check!] # # The vellum defect on paragraph 2 sems to be a slit in the vellum # that was at one time closed by sewing. If this interpretation is # correct, then the thread is gone, and the alternating dots are # the stitch holes. # # ## {} # top row of labels # Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:54:17 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # "V" transcription by John Grove. # was previously called # # container # odory= odory={was } odory={was } odory={Grove's X.6} odory= # # plant [1,1] dark roots, dark leaves with light stripe # doly= doly={was } doly={was } doly={Grove's X.4} doly= # # plant [1,2] dark roots, flowers?, grassy at base of stem # opchosam= opchosam={was } opchosam={was } ofchosam={Grove's X.8} opchosam= # # plant [1,3] large, light roots, dark leaves # saloiin.sheol= saloiin,sheol={was } saloiin!sheol={was } saloiin.sheol={Grove's X.18} saloiin,sheol= # # plant [1,4] long dark root, dark leaves # opcheor= opcheor={was } opcheor={was } opcheor={Grove's X.13} opcheor= # ## {} # panel f89r2, first block of text # Last edited on 1998-12-12 17:41:52 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # qokcheody.cheodal.dair.chol!keedy.qokedy.cheyd.cheo.dal.qoair.shey.cphoeedol.dee y.qockhey.choldy.daim-{plant} qokch!ody.cheodal.dair.chol.keedy.qokedy.cheyl.cheo.dal.qoair.shey.cphee!dol.da! y.qockh!y.chaldy.daim-{plant} qokcheody.cheodal.dair.chol!keedy.!!!!!!!chead.cheo.dal.qo*!r.shey.!piee!*!l.d*! y.qockh*y.choldy.daim-{plant} qokcheody.cheodal.dair.chol!keedy.qokedy.cheal.cheo.dal.qoair.shey.cpheeedol.dee y.qockhey.chaldy.daim-{plant} # chos.aiin.cheodal.!!!!daiin.chy.chedai!n.dolchsyc!khe!!ol.daiin.cho!y.cheedy.tch odol.chor.choldy.chos.dol.okchee!g!!-{plant} chor.aiin.cheodal.!!!!daiin.chy.chedaiin.dal.chsy!ckh!!ol.daiin.chody.che!dy.tch odal.chor.choldy.chos.dol.okchee!m!!-{plant} chos.aiin.ch*odal.chy.daiin.!!!!cheda!in.dol!eeso!ckheeod.daiin.cho!y.cha!dy.tch odol.chor.choldy.chos.dol.okcheeem.*-{plant} chos.aiin.cheodal.!!!!daiin.chy.chedaiin.dal!chsy,ckh*!ol.daiin.chody.cheedy.tch odol.chor.choldy.chos.dol,okcha!!g!!-{plant} # toy.daiin.daiin.daiin.ody.qokeey.cheoldy.qody.cheor.s.ain.daiin.oky.cheody.cheok y= tol.daiin.daiin.daiin.ody.qokeey.cheoldy.qody.cheor.saiin.daiin.oky.cheody.cheok y= toy.daiin.daiin.daiin!ody.qok**y.cheoldy.qody.cheor.s.**!.daiin.oky.cheody.cheok y= tol.daiin.daiin.daiin!ody.qok**y.cheoldy.qody.cheor.s,ain.daiin.oky.cheody.cheok y= # ## {} # panel f89r2, second group of labels # Last edited on 1998-12-10 06:54:41 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # "V" transcription by John Grove. # was previously called # # container # otoldy= okoldy={was } otold!={was } otoldy={Grove's X.17} otoldy= # # plant [2,1] large, dark roots, dark flower # okol.shol.dy= okol.shol.dy={was } okol.shol.dy={was } otol.shol.dy={was } otol.shol.dy={Grove's X.15} okol.shol.dy= # # plant [2,2] large, light roots, dark leaves # opcharoiin= opcharoiin={was } opcharaiin={was } opcharoiin={Grove's X.12} opcharoiin= # ## {} # panel f89r2, second block of text # Last edited on 1998-12-10 07:01:49 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # porechol.qoda.qoteol.oldaiin.otol.sheor.shor.ol.daiin.otchol.cheol- {crease}otolfcho.dar.cho.lkeopol.oeeor.or- porachol.qody.qoteol.oldaiin.otol.sheo*.sho*.ol!saiin.ot*!ol.!*eol- {crease}otolf*!y.dar.cho.lkeopol.oeeor.ar- porachol.yoda.qoteol.oldaiin.otol.cheor.shor!ol!daiin.otchol.cheol- {crease}otolpcho.dar!cho.ykeopol.oeeor.or- porachol.qody.qoteol.oldaiin.otol.sheor.shor,ol,daiin.otchol.cheol- {crease}otolfchy.dar,cho.lkeopol.oeeor.ar- # daiin.olkey.okeol.okey-{stitched slit}okeeol.qoor.ol.chor.cheky.shol.daiiin.c{crease}hol.cheol.kol.dam.olcheol.do l.cheol- daiin.olkey.okeol.okey-{stitched slit}okeeol.qoor.ol.chor.cheky.chol.daii!n- !{crease}eol.cheol.kol.dam.olcheol.dal.cheol- daiin!olkey.okeol.okea-{stitched slit}oke!ol.qoor.ol.chor.cheky.char.daiiin- c{crease}hol.cheol.*or!dam.olcheol.dol!cheol- daiin.olkey.okeol.okey-{stitched slit}okeeol.qoor.ol,chor.cheky.shol.daiiin- c{crease}hol.cheol.kol!dam.olcheol.dol!cheol- # tos.ol.chor.ydaiin.chey.s.oiiin.chckhy.qokeol.okey.okeey.keey.coeky.qokol.okeey. dal.cheeody.o!ckhy- tos.ol.chor.ydaiin.chey.s.aii!n.chckhy.qokeol.okey.okeey.keey.cheky.qokol.okeey. dal.cheeody.oeckhy- tos.ol.chor.ydaiin.chey.s.oiiin.chckhy.qokeol.okey.okeey.keey.cheky.qokol.okeey. dol.cheeody.oe!key- tos.ol.chor.ydaiin.chey.s.oiiin.chckhy.qokeol.okey.okeey.keey.cheky.qokol.okeey. dal.cheeody.oeckhy- # ycheo.keeo.ckh!o.s!aiin.okeo.daiin.ockhy.s.ockhey.saiin.sheek!y={plant} ycheo.keeo.ckh!o.s!aiin.okeo.daiin.ockhy.s!ockh!y.saiin.checkhy={plant} yoeeo.keeo.ckheo.s!aiin.okeo.daiin.ockhy.s.ockheo.daiin.cheek!y={plant} ycheo.keeo.ckh!o.s,aiin.okeo.daiin.ockhy.s,ockheo.saiin.cheek!y={plant} # ## {} # panel f89r2, third group of labels # Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:13:54 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # "V" transcription by John Grove. # Was previously called # # container # korain.y= korain!y={was } korain.y={was } korain!y={Grove's X.5} korain,y= # # plant [3,1] spotted? roots, dark leaves with light stripe # sodar= sodar={was } sodar={was } sodar={Grove's X.19} sodar= # # plant [3,2] dark roots with light edge, dark leaves # cheys= cheys={was } cheys={was } cheys={Grove's X.3} cheys= # # plant [3,3] light roots, dark leaf # cheody= cheody={was } cheody={was } cheody={Grove's X.2} cheody= # # plant [3,4] dark roots, dark circular leaf? # ofor!ain= opor!ain={was } ofor!ain={was } ofor!ain={Grove's X.9} ofor,ain= # # plant [3,5] light roots, dark leaf, flower with light kernels? # okshd.chos= okshd!chas={was } okshd!chas={was } okshd.chos={Grove's X.11} okshd,chos= # # plant [3,6] dark roots, dark round leaves - unlabeled? # # Grove's X.1 # ## {} # panel f89r2, third block of text # Last edited on 1998-12-10 07:07:30 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # # This para may or may not be split at the {crease} --DL # The {\} indicates that the right part of the line is lower than the left part. # {plant}kolche!s.sheol.qokeoefy.sheey.opcheor.opcheol.shody.sholdy- {crease}qokol.chey.oldy.sheodal.ytoldy- {plant}kolche!s.sheol.qokeo!fy.sheey.opchear.opcheol.shody.sholdy- {crease}qokal.chey.oldy.sheodal.ytoldy- {plant}kodcheos.sheol.qokeoefy.sheey.opcheor.op!!iol.shody!!!!!!!- {crease}qokol.cheo.oldy.sheodol.ytoldy- {plant}tolche!s.sheol.qokeocfy.sheey.opcheor.opcheol.shody.sho*dy- {crease}qokol.cheo.oldy.sheodal.ytoldy- # {plant}daiin.cheok.o!keol.daiin.dal.dair.qokeey.okeol.daiin.ykeody- {crease}okeeeo.ees.cheey.ykeol.cheo.chek!y- {plant}daiin.cheok!o.keol.daiin.dal.dair.qokeey.okeol.daiin.ykeody- {crease}okee!o.chs.cheey.ykeol.ch!o.chckhy- {plant}daiin.cheok.o!keol.daiin.dal.dain.qokeey.okeol.daiin.!keody- {crease}okee**.a!s.cheey.okeol.cheo.chek!y- {plant}daiin.cheok!o.keol.daiir.dal.dair.qokeey.okeol.daiin.ykeoa*- {crease}okee!o.chs.cheey.ykeol.ch!o.chckhy- # {plant}yokeeol.cheol.qokeey.qokeol.chey.eeeokor.okeey.key.daiin- {crease}qokeol.cheey.qokeey.saiin.oteos- {plant}yokeeol.cheol.qokeey.qokeol.chey.cheokor.okeea.k!y.daiin- {crease}qokeol.cheey.qokeey.saiin.oteos- {plant}yokeeol.cheol.qokeey.qokeol.chey.eeeokor.okeeo!k!!.daiin- {crease}qokeol.cheeo.qokeey.daiin.oteos- {plant}qokeeol.cheol.qokeey.qokeol.chey.cheokor.okeey.k!*.daiin- {crease}qokeol.che**.qokeey.saiin.oteos- # doiin.dal.sheol.s.aiin.qocheey.daii!n.qokeeol.qokeody.chol.cheol- {crease}{\}ykeo.qo.qol.cheo.loiiin.daimom- daiin.dal.sheol.s!aiin.qocheey.daii!n.qnkeeol.qokeody.chol!cheol- {crease}{\}yteo.qo.qol.cheo.loii!n.raimor- daiin.dal.sheol.s.aiin.qocheey.daii!n.qoke!ol.qokeody.chod.cheod- {crease}{\}ykeo.qo.qol.cheo.loiiin.daimom- doiin.dal,sheol.s.aiin.qocheey.daiiin.qokeeol.qokeody.chol,cheol- {crease}{\}ykeo.qo.qol.cheo.loiiin.sairom- # s!cheor.sy.sor!cheey.dol.cheor.cheea.keeo.qokeey.daiin.ycheas.y- {crease}{\}okeey.!keeokechy.cthey.daiin.dy-{plant} s!cheor.sy.sor!cheey.dol.cheor.cheey.keey.qokeey.daiin.ychea*!y- {crease}{\}okeey.!keeotchey.cthey.daiin.dy-{plant} s!cheor.sy.sor!cheey.dol.cheor.cheea.keeo.qokeey.daiin.yoeear!y- {crease}{\}okeey.!keeokechy.cthea.daiin.oy-{plant} s,cheor.ry.sor,cheey.dol.cheor.cheey,keey.qokeey.daii*.ychea*!y- {crease}{\}okeey,ckheytchey.cthey.daiin.dy-{plant} # qokol.cheor.okoiin.okeoy.qoeey.cheo.r.cheey.qokeol.cheal.s.aiin- {crease}{\}o.cheol.soiiin.dair.chey.daiin-{plant} qokol.cheor.okoiin.okeey.qoe!y.chey.r.cheey.qokeol.cheal.s!aiin- {crease}{\}o!cheol.soii!n.dair.chey.daiin-{plant} qokol.cheor.okoiin.okeoy.qoeey.cheo!r.cheey.qokeol.cheal.s.aiin- {crease}{\}o!cheol.soiiin.dair.chey.daiin-{plant} qokol.cheor.okoiin.okeey.qoeey.chey.r.cheey.qokeol.cheal.s.aiin- {crease}{\}o!cheol.soiiin.dair.chey.daiin-{plant} # o.r.ai!n.or.ai!n.ol.daiin.qoaiin.ol.chkaiin.daiin.okar.s.air.yl{fold}.dairl={pla nt}{crease} o!r!aiin.or!oiin.ol.daiin.qoaiin.ol.chkaiin.daiin.okar.d!air.y!{fold}.dair!={pla nt}{crease} o.r.ai!n.or.ai!n.ol.daiin.qoaiin.ol.chkaiin.daiin.okar.d!ain!y*{fold}!dain!={pla nt}{crease} o!r,ai!n.or,oi!n.ol,daiin.qoaiin.ol.chkaiin.daiin.okar.*!air!y*{fold}!dain!={pla nt}{crease} # ## {} # panel f89r2, fourth group of labels # Last edited on 1998-12-11 14:03:58 by stolfi # # "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. # "V" transcription by John Grove. # Was previously called # # container (two-line label) # okain-{first of two lines} oka!n-{was } okain-{Grove's X.10 word 1} okain- # yorain={second of two lines} yorain={was } yorain={was } yorain={Grove's X.10 word 2} yorain= # # plant[4,1] dark root, dark leaf # # The below has under stem of ofakal= ofakal={was } atakal={was } ofakal={Grove's X.7} ofakal= # # plant[4,2] faded, dark leaf # otalsy= atalsy={was } otalsy={was } otalsy={Grove's X.14} otalsy= # # plant[4,3] faded, light leaf # ytarem= yta!em={was } ytarem={was } ytaram={Grove's X.20} ytaram= # otolarol= otolarol={was } otolarol={was } otolarol={Grove's X.16} otolarol= # # plant[4,4] dark roots, large dark circular flower(?) #