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Voynich MS - Quire 12


Quire 12 contains the remains of one bifolio, which is folio 73. The original folio 74 is lost and was most probably cut out of the bound manuscript. A cut mark is still visible on f75. The gathering mark is also missing, but may be assumed to have been on f74.

Schematic folio layout:

Folio 73

Normal folio. The folio nr. is on f73r.


>>Link to 2014 scan (Beinecke digital library)

>>Link to 2004 scan (Jason Davies Voyager)

General description

This is a zodiac page. For general information about zodiac pages see here.
There is extraneous writing near the central zodiac emblem.
Folio nr (73) in upper right corner.


A large circular diagram with the emblem of Scorpio consisting of a drawing of an animal standing on four legs, with a curly tail, that looks more like a lizard than a scorpion. There is an additional star in the centre, with a line connecting it to the mount of the animal.

There are two circular arrangements of small, standing human figures (nymphs), and another four drawn at the top. There are 30 in total and they are all holding a star.


There are three lines of circular text. There are 30 labels near the small human figures.

The month name November is written in the centre in a different hand than the remainder of the MS, and in a version of French (for which see here).

Currier language: -
RZ language: C- (page) / Bs (folio) / Bs (bifolio)
LFD hand: 4

Browse interlinear transliteration of f73r

Other information

The animal really does not look like a scorpion, but this is observed in many other zodiac cycles produced in the 15th Century.


>>Link to 2014 scan (Beinecke digital library)

>>Link to 2004 scan (Jason Davies Voyager)

General description

This is a zodiac page. For general information about zodiac pages see here.
There is extraneous writing near the central zodiac emblem.


A large circular diagram with the emblem of Sagittarius drawn as a man holding a crossbow.

There are two circular arrangements of small, standing human figures (nymphs), and another four drawn at the top. There are 30 in total and they are all holding a star.


There are three lines of circular text. There are 30 labels near the small human figures.

The month name December is written in the centre in a different hand than the remainder of the MS, and in a version of French (for which see here).

Currier language: -
RZ language: B (page) / Bs (folio) / Bs (bifolio)
LFD hand: 4

Browse interlinear transliteration of f73v

Other information

Sagittarius as a man with a crossbow is found in many German MSS of the 15th Century.

Folio 74

Missing folio.

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Copyright René Zandbergen, 2024
Comments, questions, suggestions? Your feedback is welcome.
Latest update: 30/04/2024